15 Life-Changing Gratitude Practices for Emotional Resilience


With the start of November, the holiday brings feelings of excitement, joy, and thanks.

However, for people who suffer from intense emotions, depression, or anxiety, this can be an overwhelming time.

As someone who has personally battled with intense emotions, there is one secret habit that has helped me. What is it? Surprisingly enough, giving thanks! Practicing gratitude this fall season will help you strengthen your emotional resiliency.

What is Gratitude?

It is a form of giving thanks and appreciation for things both tangible and intangible.

According to Dr. Harvey B. Simon:

“With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives. In the process, people usually recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside themselves. As a result, gratitude also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or a higher power.”

However, gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It is easy to be appreciative during good times. How do we challenge ourselves to persevere through difficult times? Gratitude is an intentional practice. It has the power to transform our lives and make us stronger.

The Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude for Emotional Resilience

Gratitude has been widely studied in Positive Psychology. People who practice gratitude experience more happiness, positive emotions, and also stronger emotional resiliency.

When we practice gratitude as a daily habit, we train our minds and emotions to thrive in adversity. We begin to see the positive in difficult situations.


Other Positive Benefits of Practicing Gratitude :

  1. Gratitude strengthens our relationships

  2. Gratitude boosts our physical health

  3. Gratitude improves our mental health

  4. Gratitude increases our empathy

  5. Gratitude improves our sleep

  6. Gratitude boosts our self-esteem

  7. Gratitude improves our emotional strength

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15 Ways To Practice Gratitude

  1. Make a Phone Call

    Think of someone you love or appreciate. Give them a phone call and let them know how thankful you are for them.

  2. Volunteer

    Is there a cause or organization that you feel passionate about? Take the time out of your day to give back.

  3. Compliment Someone

    Doesn’t it make you smile when you receive compliments? Make someone’s day by giving a random person a compliment.

  4. Go for a Walk

    Take time to be out with nature. What beauty do you notice? Smells? Sounds? Appreciate the natural wonders of the Earth.

  5. Send a Text

    Send joy to a random friend. Tell them why you appreciate having them in your life.

  6. Post on Twitter/FB/Instagram

    Share a picture/thought/quote about something you are thankful for. Spread the positivity!

  7. Donate

    If you don’t have the time to volunteer, donation is a great way to practice gratitude. Give back to a cause/community/organization that you are thankful for.

  8. Write a Thank You Note

    Written notes are often appreciated for the extra effort. Who has helped you recently? Give them a thoughtful note to make their day.

  9. Look in the Mirror

    Sometimes the person we forget to thank the most is ourselves. Look in the mirror and tell yourself what you are thankful for. Your talents? Your hard work? Your smile?

  10. Set a Phone Reminder

    Set up an alarm or reminder to remind yourself to be thankful. Whenever it goes off, think of three things that made you smile that day.

  11. Practice Self-Care

    Self-care is often overlooked as a form of gratitude. When we care for ourselves, we make room to care for others too! Practice self-care by doing things that make you feel happy and loved. Take a bath, watch a movie, or eat your favorite chocolate!

  12. Celebrate Small Wins

    There is something to be thankful for everyday. What small win did you accomplish today? How can you reward yourself for this achievement?

  13. Practice Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is a form of meditation that practices awareness. By training our mind to be more aware, we allow ourselves to naturally receive more positivity. Because of this, we are capable to adopt a perspective of gratitude and acceptance.

  14. Keep A Gratitude Journal

    Oprah’s happiness secret? A Gratitude Journal! Write down three things that you are thankful for everyday.

  15. Change Your Perspective

    Lastly, anybody can incorporate daily gratitude habits and actions, but perspective matters the most. Gratitude is a mindset. What positives can you learn from negative times? What is going right when everything feels wrong? Challenge yourself to welcome difficult situations as opportunities to grow.

Final Thoughts

I know how hard it can be for you to struggle with intense emotions or anxiety. I also know that changing my mindset has changed my life. Years ago, I could not get out of bed due to debilitating stress and anxiety. I trained my mind to be more grateful. I now see everyday as an opportunity to thrive and make the most out of my life. I wake up happy, joyful, and full of hope. You can experience this same level of resilience.

The holidays can be stressful. This time might trigger some of those overwhelming emotions. Use this thankful season as an opportunity to incorporate an attitude of gratitude into your life.

You will be surprised by how much stronger you will become. <3

If you need more help practicing gratitude, take my November Gratitude Challenge! 30 days of journaling towards a happier, stronger, and more resilient you!

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    P.S. What are you thankful for? How do you practice gratitude? Share with me in the comments below!